Table of Contents

LVAR Support Installation


To support LVAR access from within SPAD.neXt it is necessary to install the SPAD.neXt Bridge into the Simulator. The bridge will allow SPAD.neXt to query LVAR and set values. However it might be possible that an LVAR change is not being picked up by the simulator, because it is a read-only value.


C++ 2013 Redistributable

To function correctly the LVAR bridge requires the Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2013 redistributables to be installed on the computer running the simulator. You will need to have the x86 version installed. If you installed SPAD.neXt using the installer, it will be installed automatically for you, if necessary.

SimConnect 10.0.61259.0

To communicate with the simulator internally the LVAR bridge uses SimConnect version 10.0.61259.0. Even if you are running Prepar3D you will need to install this SimConnect version. You can grab the installation files and follow the readme to install it on the simulator computer.

Manual Installation

Generally the installation should be done by the configuration wizard, but if necessary you can also done by manually

Simulator and SPAD.neXt on same computer

Simulator and SPAD.neXt on different computers

If the bridge is updated by a SPAD.neXt update, you will have to update your copy on the server manually!

Configuring dll.xml



Prepar3D v2

Prepar3D v3

Dll.xml exists

        <Name>SPAD.neXt Bridge</Name>
        <Name>SPAD.neXt Bridge</Name>
        <Path>C:\Program Files\SPAD.neXt\simmodule\SPDBridge.dll</Path>

New dll.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252"?>
<SimBase.Document Type="Launch" version="1,0">
        <Name>SPAD.neXt Bridge</Name>