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Pitch Sensitivity, AP and V/S disconnect

Posted: 07 Sep 2020, 14:53
by leinhto
After some more test I figured out this much with MSFS CJ4 and Spad.Next: something is definitely off when using Spad.Next. The sensitivity of the throttle on pitch is extreme. It also affects the V/S holding when climbing, usually when you get to FL2xx it just stops climbing although V/S button is still on. I think it is more related to a certain IAS. I also noticed if you throttle down to 25% or less it shuts off the AP. When I fly without Spad.Next I don't have these issues.

It's really a strange behaviour. I don’t think Spad.Next has all that logic going to the Sim when you do those actions so I assume it has something to do with SimConnect, or at least how Spad.Next interacts with SimConnect and MSFS.

One more thing I noticed but wasn’t able to investigate last night was FSUIPC7. For some reason when I am shutting down MSFS, FSUIPC7 is no longer running. So at some point it shuts down or crashes but I hadn’t noticed. I will monitor that next flight and see if launching it again has any bearing on this problem.

Anyone experience this or something similar?

Re: Pitch Sensitivity, AP and V/S disconnect

Posted: 07 Sep 2020, 19:04
by leinhto
Solved. FSUIPC7 is the culprit. When I run the module I get the wild behavior. When I shutoff FSUIPC7 smooth control inputs. So all I had to do was reprogram a few buttons in Spad.Next to use the SimConnect variable instead of the FSUIPC variable.

By the way FSUIPC7 has a feature to shutdown when MSFS shuts down that is why it was already off when I close MSFS.