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SPAD.neXt Release 0.9.1

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SPAD.neXt Release 0.9.1

Post by c0nnex » 18 Apr 2016, 00:07

Along with some bugfixes a new feature has been added, which allows you to change the unit a data value from the simulator is read.
For example the default unit for GENERAL ENG OIL TEMPERATURE is Rankine, which is the unit of temperatures in industry, but no one in the real world uses it and it is quite some math to convert it to a unit you can work with (e.g. celsius or fahrenheit).
To change the unit, select the data, and if the unit is changeable, the "Unit" in the Information-Panel will turn into a button. Click on it to select an alternative unit.
chnage unit.png
Change Unit of Data
chnage unit.png (33.41 KiB) Viewed 8421 times
Changelog since Beta
* Add option to change unit of data in definition browser Beta
* Fix saving a system profile allows giving the same name, thus loosing local changes upon update
* Add sorting to online snippets/profiles (header click)
* Add option to show all snippets
* Fix scroll-bar partially hidden in snippet/definition browser
* Fix "new profile from this" not changing profile id
* Fix device settings not changeable from main UI-Button
* Remove "default" from profiles. Default-profiles will be provided for new installations, but no longer update automatically to prevent loss of configuration Beta
* Fix Condition uses wrong values for joystick button Beta
* Remove accidentally added publish-menuentry in clipboard menu
* Fix device assignments not saved if profile is not saved
* Fix new identical device occasionally get same profile id (might lead to device not working)
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