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GoFlight MCP PRO

Posted: 11 Mar 2018, 23:55
by doublem
I recently got my GoFlight MCP PRO and I have started to add it to my profiles.

Question: How can I achieve "acceleration" on the dials (ie HDG, ALT, ...). I want it to make larger steps when I turn fast and smaller/precise steps when I turn slow.

Any thoughts?

Re: GoFlight MCP PRO

Posted: 13 Mar 2018, 22:33
by c0nnex
Not possible right now. On the todo list

Re: GoFlight MCP PRO

Posted: 16 Mar 2018, 08:02
by thedazman
You can work around this by using a “shift” button added as a condition...

Example if device button is pressed then increment +5 if button isn’t pressed then increment +1

I use this on my MCP for setting all values, works a treat.

I have the condition monitor the state of a button on my yoke which I use as an acceleration button for ALL controls


Re: GoFlight MCP PRO

Posted: 16 Mar 2018, 08:50
by doublem
Thanks Daz for this tip. I will test this workaround asap.


Re: GoFlight MCP PRO

Posted: 16 Mar 2018, 10:17
by thedazman
No problem,

An easier method is to create a local variable called myvars_variable_shift. When you press your shift button, change var to 1 and when released change to 0

Then use the myvars_variable_shift as a condition on you Panels
If myvars_variable_shift = 1 then Increment hdg +5
If myvars_variable_shift = 0 then increment hdg +1

You just need to copy and paste your existing events so you have a duplicate then add the condition = 0 to one and = 1 to the other then change the increment on the = 1 to 5 instead of 1

Hope that makes sense.


Re: GoFlight MCP PRO

Posted: 16 Mar 2018, 12:23
by doublem
Yes. Makes sense and that is a wise method.

I did a "first try". I was out of "good buttons" for my left hand and ended up with an (maybe) unusual way. I use my right toe-brake as SHIFT key. Works nicely for now!

And I got around the increment/decrement steps in another way. I keep the base-step unconditioned and increment the altitude with 900ft when in shift-mode (added with the base 100 I got nice inc/dec by 1000ft...).


Re: GoFlight MCP PRO

Posted: 18 Mar 2018, 02:11
by thedazman
Using the toe brake is a good idea :-)

Personally I would have put conditions on both to cut out double events being sent to the SIM and keeps the code nice and clean, but whatever works for you.

I’ve been using this system for a while and you can add it to pretty much any increment. I think you have more control having steps than actually having the dial accelerate digits somewhat randomly

Glad it’s working out for you
